Qinghong Xu
Qinghong Xu is a Professor of American literature at Anhui University, China, and currently a Fulbright Research Scholar in New York City. She has published in Chinese academic journals more than twenty articles as well as a book. Most of her recent articles are on women writers and feminism, including “On the Construction of Female Madness Exemplified in Jane Eyre, Wide Sargasso Sea and The Yellow Wallpaper” (2014), “Communicative Speech Acts and Philosophy of Language — Black Feminism in The Color Purple” (2013), and “Alice Walker’s Reconstruction of Female Subjectivity under Postmodern Feminist Perspective” (2013). She is a scholar of Adrienne Rich, and the author of the monograph Towards Gender Poetics: Adrienne Rich’s Literary Criticism and Creative Practice (2014), in addition to several articles on Rich. Xu won China’s Social Science Research fellowship in 2013.

Conversation & Performance
Jayne Cortez, Adrienne Rich and the Feminist Superhero: The Poetics of Women’s Political Resistance