Jay Russell Elliott
Jay Russell Elliott is a Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow at the Whitney Humanities Center, Yale University. He received his B. A. from New York University in 2000 and his Ph.D. from the University of Chicago in 2010. His dissertation, entitled “Prudent Virtues”, was supervised by Candace Vogler. In the dissertation, he shows how a revitalized understanding of the virtue of prudence can illuminate the connection between practical reason and ethics. His research generally inhabits the intersection of ethics, social philosophy, and philosophy of action. He also has research interests in the history of philosophy, particularly in the history of analytic philosophy and in the Aristotelian tradition. He is currently at work on two major projects: a short book about ethical consumerism called Morality as ShoppingSovereign Prudence. He is also co-editor, with James Conant, of the forthcoming Norton Anthology of Western Philosophy, Volume 5: The Analytic Tradition. For more information on Jay Russell Elliott and his activities, visit his website: sites.google.com/site/jayrussellelliott.