​Akram Al-Katreb

Akram Al-Katreb is a poet, journalist and writer born in Salamiah, an ancient city near Hama. Salamiah is known as the “city of poets” because in almost every household there lives a poet or two. Alkatreb wrote his first poem when he was fourteen. He has worked as an art critic and journalist since 1996, contributing to major Middle Eastern publications. He has written for many major Arabic-speaking newspapers in Lebanon , Lonodon and Syria, including As-Safir – Al-Hayat, Almustaqbal, An-Nahar and Al-Quds al Arabi. He is a leading figure in what critics have called the “new wave” of Syrian poetry. Alkatreb has been living in United States since 2001.



For Syria: an Evening of Poetry in Translation

Wed, Apr 6, 2016
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM